This entry is going to be solely dedicated to one of my favorite things: food. Since I don't really know how to describe or share the smells of every amazing food I have tasted I figured I would just share a bunch of pictures and a few short descriptions with you all.
I already told you a little about mate in the first entry, but here is something new! Tereré. It is a Paraguayan drink. The real stuff is the mate yerba (tea leaves) with ice cold water and a little bit of mint leaf. My host mom showed me a new way to do it that I cannot get enough of on hot days: with juice. so refreshing!
with medialunas |
Milanesa, something very porteño-thankfully it exists in Uruguay too. Milanesa a la napolitana is the best, it has ham, cheese and a tomato sauce. riquisima! I actually did learn the story behind this one in school the first week I was here. Apparently a man at a restaurant ordered a regular milanesa and the chef´s assistant burned it, so he covered the mistake by adding the toppings and served it to the costumer, who loved it! (photo credit: google images -
Medialunas, aka sweet crescent rolls, perfect for any time of day, but i have them every single day for breakfast with dulce de leche (a wonderful concoction, like the south american version of nutella or peanut butter but with a flavor of its own)
the cafe´s here are beautiful, there are so many and each one is unique if you get outside of the chain one´s like Havannah, Cafe Martinez and Starbucks.
Here´s a fun fact: apparently Buenos Aires has the only Kosher Mcdonald's outside of Israel. I don't know if that's true or not, but after passing three Mcdonald's and eating at one of them plus a kilo of ice cream for four, we didn't have room for another meal once we finally found this hidden treasure. I plan to return and actually eat something that follows all the dietary rules of the Torah just to say I did it.
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